Shift Robotics

Shift Robotics is the creator of the Moonwalker, the first AI powered shoe designed to take you anywhere at the speed of a run, without any added effort.

The Challenge

Shift Robotics had a $1,400 product that they weren't exactly sure of who would buy. Additionally, they were already spending a lot of money on ads and not seeing a strong enough return. They were looking for a partner, a firm, that could make an immediate impact on their creative direction, ad buying direction, and start steering their company towards profitability.

How pinkberg helped launch Moonwalkers

To kick off the project, the team at pinkberg took a look at the historical data in the Meta and Google ad accounts to understand the current approach, where there were gaps, and why the ads seemed to be falling flat from a conversion standpoint.

The strategy was straightforward - cut unnecessary spend while identifying the highest converting audiences, creative, and ad copy that would propel the brand to a 3X ROAS across all channels.

We used existing creative and set up a testing flow, where our testing campaigns would flow directly into winning campaigns that were then scaled to help bring in additional revenue.

As an additional test, we ran campaigns that promoted sign ups and email interactions to build Shift's direct marketing lists.

We had to showcase that a $1,400 product was necessary for our audience, and that the Moonwalkers were not something they could live without.

How pinkberg helped launch Moonwalkers

To kick off the project, the team at pinkberg took a look at the historical data in the Meta and Google ad accounts to understand the current approach, where there were gaps, and why the ads seemed to be falling flat from a conversion standpoint.

The strategy was straightforward - cut unnecessary spend while identifying the highest converting audiences, creative, and ad copy that would propel the brand to a 3X ROAS across all channels.

We used existing creative and set up a testing flow, where our testing campaigns would flow directly into winning campaigns that were then scaled to help bring in additional revenue.

As an additional test, we ran campaigns that promoted sign ups and email interactions to build Shift's direct marketing lists.

We had to showcase that a $1,400 product was necessary for our audience, and that the Moonwalkers were not something they could live without.


  • Analyzed all audience with behavioral shopping analyses.
  • Guided active content creation through proven data streams of success.
  • Built an overarching sales funnel, surrounding informational top of funnel content, value based middle of funnel content, and strong email outreach for bottom of funnel sales.
  • Tested a variety of pricing offers to find the most efficient sales model, while keeping overall revenue high.
  • Built over 100 value and behavioral based audiences for Shift Robotics to be used in all aspects of digital marketing.


Return on ad spend across all paid marketing channels


New email signups in a single week


In new revenue across a single quarter


  • Analyzed all audience with behavioral shopping analyses.
  • Guided active content creation through proven data streams of success.
  • Built an overarching sales funnel, surrounding informational top of funnel content, value based middle of funnel content, and strong email outreach for bottom of funnel sales.
  • Tested a variety of pricing offers to find the most efficient sales model, while keeping overall revenue high.
  • Built over 100 value and behavioral based audiences for Shift Robotics to be used in all aspects of digital marketing.


Return on ad spend across all paid marketing channels


New email signups in a single week


In new revenue across a single quarter